Lip augmentation

With many years of experience, Claudia Price and Dre. Marchica will assess your needs and help you get the voluptuous and natural-looking lips you’ve always dreamed of!

What should I know about lip augmentation?

You have noticed changes in the texture and volume of your lips. This is not an illusion, because the appearance of the mouth is very sensitive to aging.

Over time, collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin in your skin become increasingly scarce.

Your lips become severely dehydrated and lose their shape. They become drooping and appear almost faded.

Moreover, it is also possible that your lips have always been very thin, since your birth. Some people have a narrow mouth and little fleshy, even when they are young.

Fortunately, whatever the reason or cause, you now have access to safe lip enhancement treatments with a very natural result!

Just meet our professionals for a personalized consultation.



Thanks to today’s techniques, it is possible to redraw your lips while obtaining a natural result. And at the Laser Epidermis Clinic we will always make sure to respect the morphology of your mouth when you increase your lips. Thus, we offer you naturally fuller, voluminous and sensual lips. Whether to redefine your lips or regain your youthful air, trust our know-how.

o plump your lips, we offer you injections of hyaluronic acid, non-allergenic and safe.

An immediate fill effect lasting up to 12 months!