Hand treatment
To allow you to find young hands that do not betray your age!
Subject to daily external aggressions, the hands undergo the skin aging process very quickly: brown spots, skeletal appearance, visible tendons and veins, etc. as many signs that appear and betray the age of a person.
How to get back younger hands quickly?
Subject to daily external aggressions, the hands undergo the skin aging process very quickly: brown spots, skeletal appearance, tendons and visible veins, etc. all signs that appear and that betray the age of a person. How to find younger hands quickly?
At the Epiderme Laser clinic we have the solution!
Our clinic offers you the following options:
– Injections of hyaluronic acid
– Pulse Light (IPL) with ICON from Cynosure
– Fractional Laser 1540 (Icon of Cynosure)